Terri | Coach Business
As an expert talent profiler, I take great pleasure in providing clarity on who individuals authentically are and who they can be. As a coach and mentor, I take entrepreneurs through a process of where they are now to their chosen future. As a corporate trainer, I help organizations and their teams to do the same. As a proven global facilitator at iLAB, a 7 or 15 day Entrepreneurial Accelerator program in Bali and South Africa, I work with high level entrepreneurs to find their flow, discover their purpose, design their lives, and create global enterprises in an intensive, yet nurturing atmosphere.
Are you in flow? Do connect with me to find out how I can be of service.

Discover it, own it, and make your impact where it matters – personally, financially, and beyond. Join Terri each fortnight as she interviews entrepreneurial legends, marketing geniuses, and shares what you need to know to make it all happen.

Discover it, own it, and make your impact where it matters – personally, financially, and beyond. Join Terri each fortnight as she interviews entrepreneurial legends, marketing geniuses, and shares what you need to know to make it all happen.
The key is flow. You might ask “the key to what?” Well, pretty much everything, and I think that’s pretty cool. And I’d like to share a little bit about what that means, why it gets me excited, and how it might be relevant to experienced or aspiring entrepreneurs like you.
From the first time I connected with Terri as my mentor she inspired me to think WAY bigger about my speaking business and the possibilities beyond 1 to 1 and group. In no time at all I have launched a licensed model with my Secret Suppers Worldwide® brand. And just today Terri was we able to help me come up with multiple revenue streams that will make my offer way more appealing. This woman has got it going on, she’s a force to follow, to model, and to learn from. Terri also has an awesome global network that attend her monthly virtual webinars. Terri gave me an amazing opportunity to present to and not only that the way the event was marketed was also amazing for my profile. I’m buzzing with gratitude that I have her on my side. She’s not ranked no. 1 mentor by chance…
A true STAR!
I have had the blessing to work with Terri for almost a year now, did an iLab facilitated and co-mentored by her and was on the epic Journey of Lights trip with Terri, Roger and the team.
When I started working with Terri, I was at orange level with 12 business ideas, working 14-16 hours a day and never able to do as well as I could in any of those ideas, the days were always too short. At the background I had doubts whether I am doing the right thing, if aligned with my values and my vision etc… It felt overwhelming, exhausting and challenging. Four months down the line upon weekly calls with Terri, I was at yellow level with a clear plan on how to go green in the next 6 months on the way of creating a multi-million dollar business, found the right partnership for my business and have created 2 teams. I am now achieving higher productivity with spending half of the time and energy I was before. Moreover, all I focus on now makes me feel fulfilled, connected with my passions and my values and in my flow, while having clear goals and pathway in front of me. I cannot wait to get up and get in the flow every day.
For me, Terri is the champion’s coach with a velvet hammer approach! If you are ready progress and ready to give all you can to define and achieve what you want, look no further! Her passion to make a difference to the people she works with is endless. Her resourcefulness and ability to identify high-value-add areas for fundamental improvements straight from the first conversation and her results orientated approach have helped me to really clarify and align all my vision and get in my flow imminently. What I like about Terri’s style is that she challenges with confidence at in the minute and the way I need it and supports with immense care when required.I see Terri as a team player and a fundamental part of my foreseeable journey, as a coach, mentor and the source of tools and techniques that always come handy in a critical situation.
Thank you Terri!
If you want to leverage your time invested in Genius U connect with and follow everything Terri does. She is my go to person on this amazing platform.
What to say about an incredible Mentor who already has over 100 5-star reviews?! Terri is simply in a league of her own. I can only echo what so many have said before me. Connect with Terri!
Terri is awesome!